Thursday, April 10, 2014

Get Up and Go!

Exercise is such an important aspect to a healthy lifestyle. Of course we've all heard this fact, but many of us choose to ignore it because exercise is "too much work", "boring", or "we don't enough have time".
I think that these excuses are super lame.
Exercise should be a top priority! It not only helps you burn fat, but it revs up your metabolism and it produces endorphins that make you happy.
I know exercising is a tough habit to form if you have been out of practice for any amount of time, but that's okay! All you need to do is find motivation to exercise regularly for about 3 weeks--enough time for it to become a habit--and then you'll exercise without even thinking about it! It'll become second nature!
Also, many seem to think that exercise is not fun. I am a firm believer in choosing the right style of exercise so that you don't feel like you're working out! For me, that's Zumba. Zumba burns an insane amount of calories--575 in an hour--and the upbeat music makes it super enjoyable.
So, really, all you have to do is find something that works for you and stick with it for 3 weeks. Set aside 30 minutes everyday and just do it! You'll be happy you did!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lets Start at the Beginning!

I've been trying to find the right motivation to get healthy. I think this struggle is something super real and personal for many people, especially Americans, in today's society. We have a hard time DEVELOPING natural and healthy eating habits because of the negative messages we receive from society.

What do I mean?

I mean: we get bombarded with an incredibly ridiculous amount of advertisements within one single day. What's wrong with advertisements? They get inside our heads. Before we know it, we're thinking how THEY want us to think. Being tempted by THEIR products. Two of the most prominent advertisements are food advertisements and, of course, clothing advertisements.

What's wrong with food?

There is NOTHING wrong with food. It, alone, is this incredible and beautiful nourishment for OUR bodies. It's what keeps us going. Keeps us strong. Keeps us alive... The problem lies in the fact that food advertisements TRICK us into thinking that we NEED big macs, sugary cereals, and fried foods. This is simply not the case. At all. But, because we are bombarded with these messages, these foods--whether or not you eat them--become a small part of our lives. I haven't eaten a hamburger or other fast food item in who knows how long...but somehow I still hear about them and even think about them sometimes. I don't ever crave them, per say, but the mere fact that I think about them is NOT a good thing. Bottom line, we are thinking about food WAY too much in our daily lives. Food is something that is meant to nourish us not consume our EVERY thought.

Okay then, what's wrong with clothes?

Not only are we thinking about food all the time, but due to the ridiculously photo-shopped models on every other commercial and magazine add, we are also thinking about our thighs, butts, hips, arms, boobs, etc. Overanalyzing our bodies. Comparing our bodies. Ridiculing OUR bodies. Not good! These clothing adds are meant to sell clothes, but instead they create UNACHIEVABLE body images. They create false images of beauty. And overall, create obsession in our minds.

Great, now we are constantly thinking about food AND our bodies... all the time. That is NOT good.

I have personally had a great struggle with this obsession. I'm a little OCD in general, but especially when it comes to eating and exercising and everything that entails. I am super guilty of looking in every mirror I come across and assessing my thighs and my stomach to make sure that I haven't gained weight and that I'm not "fat". This is the most unhealthy and ridiculous habit I have formed in my life and I am a little sad to say that it has consumed my thoughts for a VERY long time.

I'm starting this blog because I have realized something beautiful recently...and something that I think will become VERY helpful for not only me, but anyone else who reads this blog and follows my progress.

Food and body image are not what we should really be focusing on. No. We should focus on our LIFESTYLE. That's the important factor. That's something we can control. That's a multifaceted part of us that we get to choose what to do with.

Lifestyle is about loving our bodies, caring for our bodies, and making good choices for our bodies. Its not about restricting ourselves or punishing ourselves. Its about doing our best to make informed and healthy decisions about what we eat and trying to find fun and exciting ways to stay active.

This is the key to success.

So, I hope you choose to join me in living a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.